Friday, May 20, 2011

Keeping Busy

What do you do in the backseat of a car during a 16 hour drive to keep busy?
You take pictures.
Of the scenery
of the inside of the car
of yourself.

Then again you don't really take a lot of pictures of the scenery, because they don't turn out so well. Moving car, shooting through glass - you can't expect good results there. Photographing the car's interior is kind of boring, too. Backseat. Backs of front seats. Driver in rearview mirror. Backs of heads of fellow travellers. Your feet. Garbage accumulating.
Yeah, yeah, yawn.

That leaves yourself.
I took a lot of pictures of myself.
Here they are.

In the car.

Not in the car.

One more thing concerning this blog:
A few posts ago I misquoted James T. Kirk and maybe General Chang, too. The correct quote is of course: "Earth, Hitler, 1938."
Then again I do not know if it is advisable to quote from movie characters. After all what they say changes a lot. After all they are not even real. General Chang actually says "We need breathing room!" in the original film, only the German dubbed version seems to put Hitler's words in his mouth. Hitler himself probably completely refused to speak any English. However, Captain Kirk attributes both the English and German exclamation to Hitler, even though according to the script he was just supposed to beg Chang's pardon (I don't even want to start thinking about Chang being a Klingon, let's just not go there).

And again one more thing concerning this blog:
You may have noticed that I usually do not mention any real person by their real name nor show anybody's picture in this blog. I also try do avoid revealing names of places. My general two rules were: The only face you get to see on this blog is mine (scroll upwards a bit, q.e.d.). The only name you get to read is mine (Brato).
With passing time (this is my 3rd year of blogging) these rules have inevitably softened; bit by bit I have revealed pieces of information from which the observant reader might be able to conclude where I live, where I'm from and so on.
I am also aware that especially during the last few posts I have broken my own rules quite harshly by mentioning for example certain roads and travel times and of course by talking about Courtney and where she works.

But I could not resist. I did it because she's real.

From now on privacy shall be maintained as before.