Saturday, January 15, 2011


We never go out, host no parties, drink no booze, smoke no smokes, do no drugs and are altogether completely boring and always at home by ourselves.
This week however, we are very social. Yesterday we had a bunch of nurses over for supper (I made pizza from scratch), and today we had people over again, this time a.o. from the supermarket. Very enjoyable.
(I must say here though that the supermarket folks were a lot more fun than the nurses, who just couldn't stop talking work. This can be kind of annoying for people like me who really really don't want to know about what sicknesses you can suffer from in this world, people who have a very quick and visual imagination and therefore are easily disgusted by descriptions of ulcers (?) or abscesses or even rashes - I don't even want to remember what else they talked about, you probably get the idea; but try to combine these stories with the prospect of a nice evening with food and wine and fun conversation and you will find they won't go together, in fact, they'll clash terribly.)

However, here's again another piece of not so new music.


Mikisew said...

Supermarket people?

I am people.
I am super.
I have to get groceries somewhere.
Super shopper? Leaping aisles in a single bound? It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... SUPERMARKET GROVER!!!

(clean-up in aisle three)

I had a wonderful time tonight. I felt at home immediately, relaxed immediately, and the meal and entertainment were delicious and refreshing. Thank you both!

Mikisew said...

...and I LOVE your art! I wish I could watch your videos on here! *kicks my damnably slow connection*

Anonymous said...

"vertigo's calling, vertigo's calling ..." *stillhavingthegoodsonginmindandignoringthisone*

thanks for the lyrics assistance anyway

good that you'll soon cum, chum!

Old Europe