Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sleazy Porn Music

I really should get some better software. I used to use some crappy video editing program that came with my old miniDV camera, but I didn't install it on this computer. So at the moment I am working with Windows Movie Maker.
And let me tell you one thing: For making movies, Windows Movie Maker sucks. Big time.
It is okay though if you just quickly want to combine some pictures with a music track. But just okay. I mean, they could at least have implemented some kind of rudimentary "conform to BPM" function.

Therefore, even though this is a video, it is not meant as a video. It is just a vehicle to easily upload an mp3 to this blog. Hello blogspot people? Would you please program in some kind of "add-mp3" button next to those "add picture" and "add video" buttons, so users are not forced to find webspace elsewhere or fuck around with shitty programs like Movie Maker?

Enough of that, here's a piece of sleazy porn music I recorded myself back in summer 2009* when we first came to this town. The piano I hacked in myself through MIDI.

The track is called: "My Heart Is A Strawberry".

*Off the album "Rumpo AurĂ­ga & His Brother Frango". It's never to late for a another single.


Mikisew said...

So... exactly what sort of movie were you trying to make to go with your music?! ! ! !

Windows Movie Maker is EVIL if you want to do anything short of photo montages for family reunion type events. For anything else you might as well stab yourself in the eye with a fork and be done with it.

brato said...

better be both eyes.

Mikisew said...

Nah. Keep yourself one eye. The resultant watering and burning from the other stab wound will keep the second eye bleary... besides, you have video to look forward to, no?


Richie Rich said...

OMG what the hell was that! That was very disappointing and painful. There's no sound!!!??? i thought maybe there was a problem with the mute feature. I'd sooner listen to the never ending loop of your sleazy porn music! Look, I'm a big fan of your music, most of it anyhow, you can do better, now do it!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


"my heart is a strawberry, baby; do you want a bite?"

suggested implication: love kills, either through the initial impact of reduced blood flow or the digestion process.

aside: really looking forward to seeing you guys at th end of the month!


Anonymous said...

the simplicity of the movie combined with the sophistication of your song makes it art.

btw: n to the orman has invited for his 30th birthday in saxony. unfortunately it's on the 26th (i guess) of feb. maybe you could stay longer for this event?


brato himself said...

thank you e.
I think when I wrote it I was more thinking along the lines of "here's my cock, how about a blowjob right now"; this is what art is all about.

Unknown said...

If you want to share music with your followship in a convenient way then I recommend soundcloud.com. A Berlin based company which is really hyped these days.
Greetings from Berlin/Magdeburg!

Richie Rich said...

OK, i finally was able to listen to the Strwaberry song thingy. I did not like. Do you have anytihng with you singing in German?