Then I slipped in the mud und saute mich total mit dem dreckigen Schmotter ein. Die ganze Hose eine einzige Matschwampe, die Jacke ein kompletter Modderhaufen, Schuhe total schlammverschmiert, Pfützenwasser in der Einkaufstüte und Colaschwappe überall.
None of this spoiled my happiness in any way, not at all. I got up and walked on and kept singing made-up dubdub dubdidei songs* in the rain. The wetness of my clothing was annoying though, and cold.
At home I stripped naked, started laundry, put my groceries away and discovered that 4 eggs were broken, took a shower, put a frozen pizza in the oven, whipped up a cake, took the pizza out, put the cake in, ate the pizza, moved the laundry along, took the cake out.
This is the cake:

By the way, the other day (last week) I baked a different cake, because I had to use up that good old Rocky Mountain Quark before it went worse-after.
This is the quark container:
This is what's left of the part-quark cake.

*One of the songs was about a fish in a tank. The fish was at least 213 years old and very hungry, because I hadn't fed it in a while. It had belonged to my dad once, and to his dad, and to his dad, and to his dad, and to his dad, and to his dad, and to his dad, and before that to one Mr. Jerkoffsky, a Polish immigrant from Poland, who happened to have opened a pet store somewhere in New York.
**Also my beard is growing nicely.
what the fuck is quark?
lookie here
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