Friday, December 3, 2010

Door Of Perception

I came home today and found my internet connection gone.

This kind of stunned me. I sat motionless in front of my screen, watching the connection meter crawling at -98; I was numbly staring at my non-existing, rarely spiking, quickly fading link to the world. What had been 40 to 60% before (depending on which program you use to monitor it), had crumbled down to 2%.
I stayed in this state of inactivity for about 4 minutes, then I went and got my winter coat.
It was time to adjust the antenna.

The more inside walls and wiring and ducts and equipment and whatnot they put into that unfinished building over there, the worse my connection gets. I had noticed a decrease in signal quality in the past weeks, but I had hoped I'd have more time.

I put my knitted tuque on, I grabbed a wrench, I put my boots on and went outside into the -17 or so degree weather to have a visit with my antenna.

I re-aimed it to the best of my ability to where I believe the source of the signal is (which is kind of hard with a building in the way). I adjusted the angle of the dish by a few degrees, always with a close eye on my screen, where I could see if this did any good.

After a while I managed to get a gain of maybe 5, so now I am back at -92, or 8%, depending on the program, which gives me at least a steady connection again. But it's only patch-work I guess, soon it'll be gone again, and then I will really be out of options.


StB said...

Build a fucking tower!

A tall one, mighty and strong. Attach a long, thick cord to the antenna and fuck that construction site once an for all.

This unfinished house has been messing with your connection for too long, so go ahead and out-construct it!

Be a man! Make a stand!

Oh, and by the way, lets have a chat this weekend.

Astrid Rose said...

I'm with steffen.