Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Second posting on the first day

Opinion about movies I saw recently:
Terminator Salvation sucks big time. Reason: Skynet doesn't kill off Kyle Reese.
Angels & Demons is as boring as Da Vinci Code. Reason: Ron Howard is indeed a hack. Tom Hanks can't pull off Robert Langdon.
J.J. Adams' StarTrek rocks. Reason: Cast.

Opinion about sitting on the cold bathroom floor while writing this:
It's ok. I wish the floor was softer. I should fold a towel and sit on it. Reason: Being considerate is a virtue. I like believing I have virtues. And style. I like style.

Questionable theory:
Last week I was looking at a fashion magazine, you know the ones with all the full page ads in them. Ads that depict beautifully photographed models. Naked, half dressed, in pretty clothes etc.
However, if you ever find yourself bored: Find out what goes on in their heads! They're not thinking about fashion. Or cupcakes. Or Australia or whatever. No.
Look at those full page ads and follow the gaze of the models. They either look at something outside the picture or directly at you. According to my theory what goes on in their heads goes back to the more physical and most ancient activities of human beings.
When they look at something outside the picture, they look at Cock. Usually longingly. When they look at you, the viewer/reader, they either think of Cock they've looked at just a moment ago or they think: I am ready for Cock.
I'm serious. Go grab a fashion magazine and check for yourself.

ps: I hope it's okay to use words like Fuck and Cock.

1 comment:

Astrid Rose said...

It is definitely okay to write the words Fuck and Cock. It is more than okay. it is right and moral. and good. Great theory. It's brilliant.