So what do you do in a big city on a friday morning at 6 AM when all you want to do is sleep?
We went to a Denny's.
A Denny's is some kind of family restaurant that also serves breakfast. And coffee. While we were waiting for our food, I watched the other costumers and their choices of breakfast: The usual eggs and bacon of course, but on top of that most of them also had fat pancakes with lots of maple syrup and on the side great amounts of sweet french toast. Crazy. Then came the coffee, which by the way was pretty crappy.
Last night, just about when I drove us across the line and into this province, at 4 AM maybe, I stopped at some small town gas station. An old lady there sold me what must have been the best cup of coffee in the world. I also used the bathroom there (which took a while), and it was the cleanest bathroom I have ever seen at a gas station in my life. I was impressed. It was awesome.
Denny's: Not so awesome. The breakfast was ok, but in my opinion overpriced. The bathroom had cold water only. They didn't tell me that my fruit cost extra. But maybe I was just tired.
Back in the car the clock said 9 AM. So we decided to drive across town to some big-ass shopping mall with indoor ice rink, indoor pool with real waves, indoor amusement park, indoor sea lion show, indoor movie theatre, indoor pirate ship and lots of other costumer-lures. We parked somewhere in the empty parking garage and slept for an hour until the place opened up.

We made it back to the hotel somewhere between noon and 1 PM local time, checked in without any problems and went to sleep.
*Earth, Hitler, 1936 (according to Kirk, James T., Captain USS Enterprise)
1 comment:
I've been to several Denny's in the wee hours of the morning. Every single one of them had coffee mugs with lipstick still on the rim of the cup. Yuck.
I am very happy for your balls.
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