See, I never really believed her*. I thought she was using this line metaphorically to express something else entirely, like a stylistic device.
I've been thinking this ever since I first heard the song.
Until this morning.
This morning changed everything, because june is only eight days away.
I also know that I live in a climate zone that allows for certain tax breaks due to its proximity to the everlasting ice, but then again we are kind of at the summery end of said zone. Last year winter turned to summer in late april: plus 20 degrees just like that all the way to september.
But this year Vanessa Williams has a realistic shot at something like truth verbatim. June is only eight days away.
This morning I looked out the window and saw this:

Okay, Vanessa. Let's see if your pronouncement will be true this year**. Eight days to go.
*Assuming her words apply to the northern hemisphere only. I wonder if Vanessa ever considered recording an alternate version for the southern hemisphere, something like "sometimes the snow comes down in december".
**And if it does prove true, does that mean that the rest of the lyrics will be true, too? Like the sun going around the moon? Wouldn't that have serious effects on the planets well-being? As in desaster? As in end-of-the-world? As in apocalypse? Oh Vanessa, what have you done. Let's hope you're wrong and will be so forever.
Informer, ya no say dadda me Snow me I'll go blame /
a licky boom boom down /
detective mon a says a did a me Snow me stab somewhere down the lane /
a licky boom boom down /
informer, ya no say dadda me Snow me I'll go blame /
a licky boom boom down /
detective mon a says a did a me Snow me stab somewhere down the lane /
a licky boom boom down /
und so weiter und sofort :-)
a licky boom boom down - what the f. does that even mean?
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