Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Forever-Turkey-Eternity

So we had turkey. It was awesome, delicious, great. With potatoes and vegetables cooked alongside. That was on saturday. A 3-person meal.

Then came sunday, and we had more from the same turkey, my wife and I.

On monday we had turkey, again.

On tuesday we had meat from the same turkey, accompanied by pasta and/or fried eggs and bread.

Today for lunch we had turkey sandwiches.

Today for supper we will have a turkey-based soup.

Tomorrow we'll have more turkey sandwiches and the same soup again.

On friday we'll very likely still have turkey-sandwich-meat and leftover soup, so we'll eat that.


One 4.5 kg turkey is good for 2 persons for at least 5 days, perhaps even a week.
It's the forever-turkey-eternity.

Oh, and following some hearsay about a great idea some bearded guy out east had about what to do with leftover broth, I froze some of it into ice cubes. Broth cubes! How aeseome is that? Nice broth portions always ready for whatever use necessary. Now I got three racks of them. Probably also good for summertime, great ice-cream substitute.

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