Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Shield / I Am A Monkey

The source of my internet connection here is located in a different building, between 30 and 50 meters away. Inbetween is an area half grass, half trees. Well, there was an area half grass, half trees until they cut down half of the tress and dug a great big hole in the ground. Until they filled that hole with a basement. Until they started building fucking walls.

The connection became better when they removed trees. The connection remained stable when they dug a hole, it was fine when they built the foundation and the basement, and it was quite alright when they started building the walls.

Then two days ago they added another half meter to the fucking walls, thereby finishing them, thereby COMPLETELY FUCKING UP my connection.

Question: How do you seriously fuck up a wireless connection?
Answer: Build a fucking building in the way.

And now I'm sitting here with an on-and-off-fucking-mess of a connection, unreliable, laggy, slow and overall bad.
Hello? This is my door to the world!

Word is they're gonna fix this somewhen next month. Blessed are those who are believers.

Then again, who knows what it's good for. Maybe I'll go out more now.

Today I was lifting up a dresser (for delivery), when the unthinkable happened. My pants, which I purchased about six months ago in London of all places, ripped apart at the seam. The ass-seam. Completely straight down from belt to balls, CRAAACKCH!

Only six months old!
I will attempt to fix them.


Astrid Rose said...

I am wearing my favorite pants that are threatening a belt to "balls" seam rip. Any day now....

Anonymous said...

I love it: Blessed are those who are believers!! Ha ha frickin hilarious, dude (not the internet connection, that's an overall bad scene, but your reaction is priceless)
