It's very hot here these days. Summer, summer, summer. What better could you do than go fishing on the lake? Luckily today a very friendly guy took me out fishing by boat. First we went cruising the confusing maze of lakes, canals and rivers, which was cool, then we stopped at a portage (Well, some kind of wooden stairway for boats. People take their boats out of the water and carry them a bit to avoid rapids.)

I caught a bass there. But I threw it back in (my last filleting-experience is yet too vivid a memory to just take the next best fish home and do it again).

Later I drove the boat. It is very windy on a lake. Very windy. But we didn't feel it, because the sun was shining like crazy. Fortunately my wife had made me wear sunscreen.

Later I got invited to a family barbecue. Lot's of awesome food. Very friendly people. Then more fishing: We stayed out until sundown and caught a number of pickerels, but only rather small ones, so we threw them back in. Here's me, holding my rod at sunset ;).
I love that speedboat shot. You look like it is super duper FUN!!
oh good, you're back. now there'll be comments again on my blog. :)
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