And not just all video games, only those which really leave you with nothing but wasted time afterwards. Only there is no afterwards, because per defitionem addiction isn't meant to have an afterwards.
Right now I am addicted to a game called ""World of Cinema". link
It was developed by some guys in Germany and is being sold directly of their website, without a major publisher or anything else. I myself bought the basic version for 25 euros.
This is a game about making Hollywood movies. You are the manager of a film studio, and you get to pick directors, producers, actors, stunt and camera people and so on, and you make movies and movie posters.
You (me, in the basic version) never get to watch your final movies, they are just entities in the virtual world, and they produce ratings and box office results, and the goal is to make always bigger and more succesful a movie than the last. (There is, however, an all-in-one-version of the game which really lets you make watchable movie-scenes or so, but in my opinion that part is useless, for the fascination is not in making bad-graphics-clips, but in enjoying 340 million dollars of profit for your last Sam Raimi masterpiece Evil Dead IV.)
I for example have made, among others, these movies so far:

The game, even though it is mainly about juggling numbers and has no awesome graphics but still some bugs and other shortcomings, maintains proper motivation by featuring an in-game level system (I am currently at level 14), online all-time charts (see above mentioned website, look for brato) and the awesome feeling of making great films with great and well known actors, directors and producers. And really, who wouldn't (have) like(d) to see both Arnie and Stallone kicking ass together?
World of cinema looks awesome, I already loved good ol’ Mad TV and The Producer (or however it was called)!
Do you know Minecraft (
People get really creative with that game, just look on Youtube about how many hours people spend building whole cities and even the USS Enterprise.
I’m currently getting into this indie-game and like the survival mode. You can even play it online (with the help of an own server) and a free browser-version is also existing.
LOL... you are addicted... no contest. Nice posters, though!
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