I sent a package to myself and it finally got here.
(German postal service sent it back twice (yes, twice), both times with a sticker on it saying "undeliverable", but without giving any reason. After repacking everything into a different box, it shipped just fine. Weird. Must have been one of these automated package-sorting lines or something.)
Inside the package, among other things, was this: A Schrubber, which is basically a brush on a stick. Great for scrubbing floors. Couldn't find one here. All they seem to have is various mops. Yacht mops, commercial mops, plain mops, this mops and that mops. Fucking mops are no good for scrubbing floors, though! So I imported my own brush on a stick (well, actually just the brush, the stick is local).
Here's a picture:
By the way, even though my new notebook was lowering the temperatures of my notebook, I really had expected more, yes, I might even go so far to say I was a little disappointed, but didn't want to let it show.
However, I purchased a bottle of compressed air last week and used it to clear the insides of my computer of dust; and wouldn't you know it, even though the fans and their immediate surroundings were pretty clean, there were shitloads of dustballs inside the copper exit vents.
No wonder temps were running high and the cooler underperforming! You can blow in cold air as much you want and it won't do good one bit if the hot air can't get out, right?
So now, when idle, and at all other times I'm getting awesome results.

Nice schrubber! By an astounding coincidence, I happen to have a floor! Please feel free to supply the connection :)
you wish :)
The blog Go “Nak Nak Over There”, formerly on blogspot, has been renamed and moved here.
commercial mops
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