Wednesday, March 16, 2011

T-Shirt Weather

It has finally warmed up.
At last it is not so cold anymore.

No painful sensations of face-freezing-off when stepping outside no more.

Time to ditch the long johns and the winter parkas, the woolen furry toques and lined winter mitts.

Temperatures have risen to some balmy minus 5.
T-shirt weather, for the locals at least.

What else? Yes, the best dressing in the world, and, because it fits nicely, the best salad in the world. I don't feel like taking a picture, so this description will have to do:

Take equal amounts (maybe two tablespoons? probably three) of oil and lemon juice and put it in a biggish bowl.
Add some pepper.
Take a few cloves of garlic and dice them nicely on a bed of salt, then throw into the bowl.

Take a quarter head of fresh red cabbage and chop it to small pieces. Throw into bowl.
Take a relatively big carrot and scrape it to little strips. Throw into bowl.
Take a handful of raisins and yes, throw them into the bowl!

Stir and mix and stir and mix and let sit for 5 minutes or longer or eat right away. You will have enough for four, but if you are only two you can keep it in the fridge overnight and next morning you will find that the raisins have absorbed a lot of the liquid, they will be bigger and more delicious even!

I have to go now.

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