Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being A Salesperson

The supermarket I work at has its annual supersale days this week. That means whole fuckloads of extra furniture and other bulky merchandise was shipped in, and now people can buy it all, and even with the money they don't have. And that is exactly what they do. If they get one and a half grand of credit, they use it all, even if they only need that 500 buck tv, why not also buy a trampoline, a bed frame and a lawnmower, just because they can?
The sale oriented salesperson of course will never remind them of the fuckloads of interest they're paying, the salesperson will of course encourage them to spend that last remaining 50 bucks for a dvd player. And because for most people all these credit, interest and whatnot things are probably just numbers somewhere in a system that doesn't really have anything to with real life, they just get all these new and shiny things, because all it costs them is a signature.
Thoughts like that go through my head when I'm patiently helping a costumer spending all the money he's borrowing most optimally to the last penny. I don't act on it though, selling the stuff is my job after all, and why would I interfere when everybody is responsible for themselves. It would be really out of place in my position to ask: Are you sure you really need those two recliners, the blu-ray player and the table set? It'd be very appropriate to say: Imagine enjoying your movie on a 46 inch TV, like that one over there, and wouldn't you agree it should have its home on a brand new tv stand.
It feels so good to look the other way and just do what I am told. I have no business interfering. I am just assuming here, for all I know all those people do have that kind of money and they do need all that cool stuff, and they full well know what they're doing; this is bf-nowhere after all and here it can be kind of hard to get your hands on a new sofa combo. Scientific research has proved: Buying stuff makes people happy.
Ah, happiness. Blissful ignorance.
Are you having fun? Yes, mein Führer.

1 comment:

StB said...

I don't use my credit card at the store and I don't even have a debit card. It's exactly because of the fact that I don't have any clue of what I am spending. But I guess it's the American (Canadian) way to do it. Not sure that I could keep my mouth shut or be able to look those people in the eye and not feel sorry for them - so I admire your devotion my friend.