Monday, June 21, 2010

The Hits

Yes, I am ranting about the radio station again.
This time: "The Hits".
On "The Hits" they exclusively play "hits".

These so called "hits" are 99% terrible shit-songs that maybe 12 year olds like, but only because of peer pressure. Nevertheless today I suffered through it and listened closely for about 4 hours: from 9 AM until about 1 PM. In these 4 hours I found out:

They played Lady Gaga for a total of 6 times, alternating between "Telephone" and "Alejandro". That means a Lady Gaga song every 40 minutes. Further I've made a list of 11 other crappy songs which were played at least 2, some of them 3 or 4 times. That means every hour, every 90 minutes, every 2 hours. And then there were about a dozen or so third-rate "hits", like the newest remake of Alphaville's "Forever Young", which they played only once.
So that makes a total of about 20-25 songs which they play all day on that station, probably the top 25 of this weeks charts, the higher up, the more often.

For a guy like me this is reason enough to take the next available shotgun and blast the radio into the next world.

Unfortunately they don't sell guns at the supermarket.

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