Thursday, August 12, 2010

Survivor Tale #9

Some of the helpers told me to be careful. If I appeared to be too strong, if I won to many challenges, I'd make myself a target. They'd vote me off the game.
Well, not this time. This time I had the Immunity-Necklace.
(I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.)

So when tribal-council started after the counting-challenge I didn't need to worry about a thing, nobody could vote for me. Besides, internal player-conspiracy had already determined who was to be considered dangerous and therefore voted off: Parvati.
And that's what happened: Parvati had to go.

Time for some gun-play! Nine players left in the game, nine target-posts on the beach. Each post has 3 little tiles attached to them, after all 3 tiles have been shot off your post, you're out. The player with most intact tiles on his post in the end wins.
The twist: You could only shoot the gun after answering the trivia questions right. Every player received a bunch of yes/no cards. The game-master asked a question (like for example: "On this island, you're allowed to light fires at the beach. True? False?"), then each player would show their card. Everybody with the right answer could shoot once at a tile/post of their choice.

the shooting challenge - note the selfmade-from-t-shirt-leftovers handbag hanging on the stick

The gun was a pellet gun. When the shooting started, eveybody aimed at Rob's tiles first, except Rob, who aimed at mine. The great big player conspiracy had already decided that Rob (the last dude from Orange) was some dangerous motherfucker and had to go. So we had to make sure he didn't win this challenge.
And he didn't, he was out first. I was out second. I should have paid attention to what was going on right then, but I didn't. Why be concerned? The old purple team had agreed after all: vote out the orange leftovers, then deal with ourselves. Still two Orange to go, no need to worry.
It's nice how people believe what they want to believe.

At some point during the shooting challenge the wind picked up a bit, so the remaining players exchanged the gun for rocks, and instead of shooting the tiles off the posts, they just smashed them down with rocks. The last one standing was James, so I had to hand the Immunity Necklace to him.

Time to vote.


CO said...

EEeeekk!! So exciting! Can't wait to hear what happens next!! :)

Anonymous said...

that sounds somewhat forboding.....
