Friday, August 13, 2010

Survivor Tale #10

One challenge to go before lunchtime. But first: The vote. Everybody sat down in a circle again, everybody wrote a name on a slip of paper, the game-master counted and said:

"The next person voted off Survivor is Rob!"

So byebye Rob.

We immediately proceeded to the next challenge, which was an auction. We remained sitting in a circle, and the game-master handed 100 pennies to every player. Available for purchase were 6 items: 1 bag of Doritos, 1 pack of chewing gum, 1 pack of chocolate bits and 3 unmarked envelopes. Each of these envelopes, so we were told, contained 1 of the following: an advantage for the next challenge, awesome food for the upcoming lunch, a hint to where the second Immunity Necklace was hidden.

Imagine that, a second Immunity Necklace! A magic token of protection you'd pull out triumphantly if they tried to vote you off! A piece of hand-made jewellery that said: Fuck you, fellow players, I'm staying! What a prize!

First thing auctioned off however was the bag of Doritos. The last remaining orange player, she was sitting right next to me, bought it for 20 cents.
Then the chocolate bits, if I remember correctly James grabbed them for about 35 cents.
Nobody seemed to want the gum, so I finally stepped in and got it for 5 pennies.
And now it became really interesting.

The situation: Better food, the advantage and possible immunity still available, but we had no idea which envelope contained what.

The first envelope went quickly. Somebody offered 100 pennies for it, but Sugar and Shambo instantly teamed up and offered 2 bucks. Nobody could beat that. Nobody formed a quick 3-person-alliance. Their offer was accepted, and both Sugar and Shambo now were out of cash, but had 1 mysterious envelope in their possession.

2 envelopes left. I really really wanted one. I would have taken both of them, but that was impossible. I could still get 1, though, but not by myself. And I had a feeling other people were teaming up, too.
J.T. still had 100 pennies, so did Stephanie right next to him (the both of them sitting to the right of the game master). You could see in Stephanie's eyes how much she wanted that necklace. These two were whispering, they were definitely teaming up.
Sugar and Shambo, sitting to the left of the game-master, were basically out.
And then there was Amber, with all her 100 cents, myself, 95 cents, the orange one, 80 cents, and James, with about 65 cents.
So when envelope #2 became available, James offered his 65 cents, and I offered all my 95 cents, and I think Amber offered 1 dollar.

"1 dollar - One!", the game-master said, "1 dollar - Two!"

I knew if this one sold for only a buck, I would have no chance to get my hands on the third one later. Stephanie and J.T. would grab it. I had to drive up the price for this one right now, so I frantically tried to find someone to team up with me: James? He didn't want to. J.T.? Shook his head.
Okay then, Orange girl? How much have you got left? I couldn't really wait for an answer, so I said: We offer 1 dollar 85!
A slight miscalculation on my part, but it went unnoticed, because J.T. and Stephanie instantly went for it and bought envelope #2 for 200 pennies.

That was good. Orange and I then teamed up for envelope #3, and since nobody could beat our 1.75 dollars, it was sold to us.
I was very happy with this result. Doritos, gum and 1 envelope between 2 players. Very good.

It turned out that Sugar and Shambo had grabbed the better-food envelope, and when Orange girl and I opened ours, we discovered a 30-second head start for the next challenge.

That meant that Stephanie and J.T. had a shot at the second Immunity Necklace.

Again, I should have seen it. The signs were all there. The boys had told me repeatedly that Stephanie meant danger. She had to be voted out soon, I thought. Right after Orange. And then, as I ventured further down the strategic path in my mind, we'd have to find a way to get one of those boys out of the game... they were too strong together. But first things first.



Anonymous said...

so fricken' awesome; keep 'em coming!


CO said...

I second this 'anonymous' persons comments! Who is anonymous?? Reveal thy self! :)

Anonymous said...

wirklich seeeeehr spannend

Melinda - Second voted off OYGWAP said...

Wow Hendrik! This is an awesome blog! BECAUSE I was an English teacher, I feel as though I must comment on your awesome English writing skills! Sweet! From reading it, I would never have known English is NOT your first fact, I bet your English is 10041830985 times better than "crazy local dude with his dog"'s English skills :)