For example: One player had a roller-derby-background. Those roller-derby-ists have some strange codex about their clothing, they alter it. And clothes-alterations, especially among females, are often contagious:

What I didn't mention for sure is the disgusting-food-challenge. I must have pushed it from my memory, an act of subconscious erasure.
This one took place on saturday, right after lunch. Did you hear what I said? Right after lunch. When everybody was full of delicious food. Well, when Purple Team was full of delicious food, because one of those morning challenges had been an award challenge, the award was a pizza for lunch (as opposed to sardines out of cans for team Orange). So I guess orange team had a slight advantage on this one.
The disgusting-food-challenge went like this: 2 players, 1 of each team, go to the counter and find there 2 portions of a disgusting food. At the signal they start eating it, whoever has eaten it all first and goes AAAHHHHH empty-mouthed scores a point. Each team sends in the next player, and so on. Whoever team scores 5 points first, wins the challenge.
I really didn't wanna do this. I hate disgusting food. The idea alone is enough to make me barf. I was basically sick from anticipation even before it really started. Purple team assigned numbers to its players, and I was number 6 - meaning that I would be sixth person who has to eat something really icky. I instantly noticed that there was an off-chance of roughly 0.000001 percent or so that I wouldn't have to play - in the event that all 5 players before me score a point.
I liked that idea. I held on to it, mentally. It helped me breathe.
Our first player to go was a vegetarian. Orange's wasn't. Rumour had it that she was more like a gourmet of disgusting food, enjoying it voluntarily all the time. From a purple perspective: Not exactly what you'd call nice prospects.
So they went to the counter, and the first disgusting dish was heart. Cooked, thank god.
It didn't look too disgusting, just like a piece of meat. Then the signal - both players grabbed their chunk of heart and bit off a piece and started chewing and chewing and chewing... and purple player took another bite... chewing, chewing, Orange still chewing, second bite orange, third bite Purple, chewing, chewing, chewing... AAAAHHHH!
What the fuck? The vegetarian has eaten the heart faster than the meat-gourmet? Extraordinary! 1 point for Purple Team!
Awesome. Great job. Who would have thought? I am still amazed.
Next players to the counter!
I am sorry, but I seem unable to remember the exact order or even the kinds of disgusting foods served from this point on. My soul may be too pure for things like this. All I know is that there was some kind of pickled pig-brain, some kind of see-food or fishy goo, and liver. There was a lot of chewing involved with the liver, which for some reason seemed to be very dry. Our Asian Kung-Fu-Dude had to practically dance down his piece of liver, or dance-power his saliva production, and that was exactly what he did. Orange never had a chance.
Long story short: Purple team scored 5 points in a row, which not only won the challenge, it also allowed me to sit this one out. Phew. Thank you, Purple Team.
To correct myself: I believe that this challenge actually lead to Orange-voting-one-off, while one of the previously described activities just won us a pizza. The result however, was the same: By saturday evening Orange had been defeated (down to 3 players), Purple was still at 7.
And then came the Merge.
1 comment:
I am reading your entries with the rapt attention of someone that doesn't know what is coming next even though I clearly know what is coming next. LOVE IT! Keep it coming! Oh, and I should have pictures for you before the end of the week!
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