Monday, October 19, 2009

Pound Cake

So we had garbanzo-bean-burgers for supper, with salad and potatoes and tzatziki. And since that is not exactly my favourite meal, I felt a little... unsatisfied afterwards, and I thought: What about a nice dessert? And I remembered talking cake recipes with a friend of mine on skype in the afternoon, and suddenly I was completely captured by an infinitive urge to make a pound cake.
So I made a pound cake, and I followed my mother's recipe closely, I even scraped off the peel of one lemon and added that to mixture.
Unfortunately the white powder in an unmarked bag among my baking supplies I thought was icing sugar turned out to be baking soda - good thing I checked first! So I just sprinkled a bit of vanilla sugar on top of my cake instead, which worked out okay. (I don't have a special pound cake pan, neither the rectangular nor the round holey kind, that's why the rather odd shape.)
And I'm just having a piece right now. And it tastes awesome. It always amazes me again and again, that I myself can make all kinds of awesome meals and cakes and stuff without having any additional education or special (grand)motherish gene modification done. Isn't that something? Yes, it is. Almost like magic.

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