Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today it's been two weeks since the order for the new laptop went out. They won't ship it before thursday, that much is certain, and I've upgraded from Vista to Windows 7, so no later updating fuzz for me.
*more waiting*

Also I got a call today from my good old buddy Your Captain Speaking. It went like this:

Phone: *ring ring, ring-a-ring ring* (the 'a' is a little hiccup which only occurs with long-distance-calls)
Me: Hello? Hello?
Phone: *silent*
Me: Hello? *looking at phone* HELLO?
Phone: *silent*
Me: Hell--
Me: WTF? How did you fuckers get my number?
Phone: Hello, this is Your Captain Speaking, you just won tickets for a cruise!
Me: Fuck off. *slam phone down*

I have a steak marinading in the fridge.

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