Sunday, October 4, 2009


Another flight, another city, another luxury hotel room with a football field for a bed. The flight was two hours and a bit crowded. We've been a little late for check-in, so I didn't get my ususal seat next to the emergency exit. Middle-seat. But who cares. Nice week last week is over, tomorrow we'll fly on to Bumfucknowhere again! I will go to the bulk barn tomorrow and stock up especially on Italian seasoning, which can't be purchased in Bumfuck.
One thing: Eight degrees here feel much warmer than 8 degrees where we just came from. Weird.


Astrid Rose said...

Lew keeps asking: Where's Hat-trick?? I'll tell him in Bumfuck.

Brato said...

Do that. It's gonna be fun when he tells people at daycare.