Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today is saturday. Well, already sunday.
I must say I am a little disappointed. I made this accurate awesome map and I wrote this awesome long post about my travels to the Town, which therefore is based on a true story and even has cops with flashlights in it and an over the top description of the sunset and almost a minute by minute account of what has really happened and still leaves lots of room for imagination, and all I harvest for it are two comments of which one I wrote myself.
Such a long post, such an exciting adventure, and only one single comment.
Isn't that disappointing?
I admit there are other things in this world that are also disappointing. Percy Jackson for example (first impression after 2 pages of book 1: HP rip off). Or the fact, that the 4 chiefs were late for the opening ceremony of the Olympics (I don't believe it). Or how Canada presented itself all multicultural with having all these Indians dance for 2 hours and with having everything said in French first.
Or that I just can't find pants that fit in this country and that I tried to fix the pants I have today, basically making one whole pants out of two full of holes, an undertaking which didn't succeed because of lack of sewing supplies. I found that particularily disappointing.
And yesterday I purchased Valentine's Day candy for my wife, basically a longish box with a rose on it, and a Ferrero Rocher logo. So I thought: Cool, a rose made of chocolate flavoured like Ferrero Rocher! And I bought it. But there were only plain Ferrero Rochers in it. Imagine my negative surprise! I had envisioned my wife and me biting petals off the Ferrero Rocher flavoured candy rose together! And then plain Rochers. How boring, and still overfull from Christmas I am with them!
(But I ate all of them anyway.)
And this coming monday apparently is a holiday in these parts. That's not really disappointing, though.


Astrid Rose said...

Sometimes I also feel this way. But I did think your previous post was pretty dang rad. I loved the map. And the cops. And the porno music that started to play in my head. I try not to take non-commenting personally. I'm going to go make some eggs now.

Brato said...

I just had eggs. Very delicious. I feel better now.