No.The Town, of course.
For better illustration I would like to provide this self-made map:

He did a quick yet thorough eye exam, including making sure I can tell red from green. Result: My eyes have not changed since my last visit with an eye specialist.
Afterwards I picked out my new glasses (which will be mailed to me), then walked to the liquor store, to McDonalds (I had to discover around here Cheeseburgers are a little more expensive, 2.40), to a grocery store to pick up some fresh fruit, then by taxi to the bus depot and the long bus ride back.
Nice evening light. The sun had become a pale milky orb behind streaks of grey clouds, and where the clouds ended and the trees began, the horizon was bathed in an orange glow. Later on the grey streaks turned purple, and as the sun went down she seemed to grow larger and larger and very intensely orange. Then: Darkness.
I dozed off for a while, dreaming an incoherent film with a soundtrack by Roxette: "I'm gonna get dressed! For success! Shaping it up for the big time, baby!"
About 5 minutes outside BF the bus was pulled over by cops. They (a young male cop and a good looking female cop) then entered the bus asking everybody to show their bags, which then were examined for forbidden substances: "Got any liquor, whiskey or nothing?"
They even had those cute little flashlights that Jack Bauer always uses.
I put my innocent face on.
The cop guy looked at the grapes hanging out of my grocery bag.
The cop lady smiled at me. I said: "Hi" and smiled back. If I wasn't married I'd probably would have asked her out at that moment. Imagine! A cop lady! In a uniform!
Sometimes I envy people that have a distinctive job description like that. Maybe they should introduce uniforms to owners of master degrees in literature who work at supermarkets. Oh, wait, they did that. At work I wear a uniform: A vest with the name of the supermarket on it.
However, after the cops spent a period of time checking the luggage compartment the bus finally drove on. Five minutes later we arrived in BFnowhere, I got out of the bus and walked home, one grocery bag on the left, one grocery bag on the right.
One car passed me.
A second car passed me.
(I always step away from the road for safety.)
As I walked I thought about the cops and all the uniform stuff I mentioned above. Another car approached from behind, and as I turned I saw it was the police, the same two cops from earlier, stopping right beside me.
Thinking of the devil.
She was driving, he rolled down his window and said: "Want a ride?"
I politely refused (I like walking and I didn't really wanna ride in the backseat of a police vehicle). Besides, I didn't want them to check my bags. Although perhaps they don't even care, because I am not a local.
And now I must have evening meal.
I almost heard porno music start to play.....
drum'n bass?
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