Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ass-Burping With Land


Two days ago I learned something new: The difference between nausea and vertigo.
Nausea is when you feel like barfing, and vertigo is when the room's spinning around you.

I always thought you could use nausea for both, and that vertigo was some kind of more general term also linked to being afraid of heights. Appearantly not.
Why do I mention this?
Because I am experiencing nausea, not vertigo.

It must be some kind of stomach bug that got me there, because the whole thing also comes accompanied by what the Germans (literally) refer to as "fall-through", "thin-whistle", "whizzing-poo", "slippy Otto", "thin-shit", "ass-barfing", "spray-goulash", "fecal-slaughter in the anal chute", "poo-spray", "brown water", "spray-sausage", "farty barf" etc.

Fuck you, limits of good taste!
Yes, you, lines one is not supposed to cross!

Well, I feel some gargling going on.
I better go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brown water is the 2nd cousin once removed of yellow snow. unless you mean dark pop mixed with orange juice, in which case serve the brown water at kids birthday parties. good (future) times; have fun with that :)