Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's A Texture Thing

Last week we had fried chicken, and from the leftovers I made broth, and from the broth I made noodle-soup.

For some reason I made the soup at mid-day, even though it was supposed to be eaten for evening meal.

That's why all the noodles (Remember for next time: 500g noodles are too much for one big pot of soup, 250g are probably enough) turned very mushy, and because I put too many noodles in, the whole meal instead of soupy looks more like a blob of noodles wet with broth (with some vegetables sticking out here and there).

And we have so much of it, it's gonna last til the end of days. That's why I decided to call it the The Eternal Soup.

We ate it three times in a row already.
We will have it again today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I will still post about things like the weather, cake baking, (...)"

how exciting, cannot wait for next post! indeed, these topics are the reason, why i have internet...

dr. muppelshrumpf