Monday, May 3, 2010

Sidelining The Blog

On some days blogging gets on my nerves.
Today is such a day.
Yesterday was one, too.

Because as soon as you start caring about the people who are reading it, you can't really write without constraints anymore. The blog becomes a medium of presenting yourself in a certain light, which then again automatically and consequentially makes you write yourself into a corner.

In other words:
Writing without thinking twice is only possible if the blog is either closed to the public and open only to your friends, or if it is completely anonymous.
Neither is the case here.

A blog is anonymous as long as none of its readers knows its writer.

This blog is being read by a lot of people from close friend to total stranger, so every post is nicely filtered and has put on make up.
Since that is exactly what I don't like, I have no other choice but to open another complete secret blog somewhere else to allow for the necessary anonymity.

But don't worry, I will still post about things like the weather, cake baking, travel experiences and so on. I will also add a google translate button somewhere.

To redundancy...
and beyond!

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