Thursday, May 13, 2010

Father's Day

Today's the day of the Ascension of Jesus, which in itself is not very exciting.
In Germany though this day is a holiday, and not only that, it's a double holiday, a day off, because it is also Father's Day. Not June something or whenever it is in this country, in Germany Father's Day is always just like the Jesus Day on thursday in the sixth week following Easter.
It is also usually the day when around noon people grab their friends and two or three cases of beer (one case = 20 half liter bottles), go to the park and stay there the whole day and get drunk. Alternatively they do a little bicycle tour first, and then get drunk. Or they throw in a little barbecue, and then get drunk.
This year though it seems to be a bit cool in good old Germany, so I am happy to tell that here where I am we have some 20 or 23 degrees and sunshine.

And now I am gonna close the curtains and play Grand Theft Auto.

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