Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why it Sucks to Live in a Big Country Next to the USA

1. You can't just drive anywhere, because it takes days.
2. In real life, there's no such thing as overnight-express.
3. You have to fly everywhere.
4. Airline baggage restrictions apply.
5. You have to travel halfway across the country to buy your favourite kind of t-shirt.
6. The same applies for pants, socks, electric horses, computer desks and everything else.
7. If you can't find it where you are, don't bother traveling someplace else, because they won't have it, either, because everything is a fuckin' chain.
8. If you look for online stores, you always end up with ones based in the US.
9. Tim Horton's coffee tastes like warmed up liquid shit.
10. You can't walk to the supermarket, because it's always out of town.
11. You really, really need a car.


Astrid Rose said...

hahahah. I like the comment about Tim's coffee. True. very very true.

Astrid Rose said...

PS: looking forward to your visit. Can't wait. We'll have a parade.

Unknown said...

I agree especially with #9 - can i be in the parade? - i'll drive

Brato said...

Yeah, all the other ones really don't seem that bad if you happen to have a car.