Saturday, June 20, 2009

I also play guitar a lot

I can't help but noticing an affinity to include pictures in my blog posts of late. Also I can see a trend towards (if even) only mildly interesting topics, i.e. man-bags. Aside from that new doubt has arisen in me, or should I say a certain fear about anonymity on the internet. Apparently about 30% of my generation share worry about giving away to much about themselves. I kind of want to take my picture off my blog.
On the other hand, however, I would like to have more readers and more comments. Feedback, so to speak. I would like to see lots of followers. But since I'm writing about whatever comes to my mind, there is no real central theme. There's hardly any personal information. I avoid disclosing my location. Why the fuck would anybody be interested in what I have to say?
Apropos, its not like I actually have to. I just write blog because I don't have anything else to do right now.
(Attention, personal information ahead:) As of right now I don't have a job. I'm a stay-at-home husband without a car. I cook everyday for my wife. I keep the apartment clean. I go grocery shopping. And I am in a godforsaken small but spread-out town in the middle of nowhere. Two stores, two gas stations, three restaurants, that's it. There's nothing here. I'm very happy to have a high speed internet connection.
Be that as it may, it is really nice to go for a walk early saturday mornings when everything is quiet and fresh. I did that today. The lakes are gorgeous.
They really are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Hendrik,

don't be afraid, that nobody reads your semi-interesting stories. I read it almost every day. One of the reasons why is, that i like your holden caulfield stile (yes, i read the book i bought for one euro from you. I really did! :)

there is still money i owe you - so please send me your bank-data. (Even if i know that you don't need money in the boondocks of canada, where you live the dangerous live of a hunter-gatherer.

I want to visit you once, but i definitely don't go by a flying Sardinenbüchse to the center of nowhere...
