Friday, June 26, 2009


Yes yes, MJ is gone. So are other people. (But I am kind of happy that I put my double-album History in one of those boxes that are currently being shipped here. Or did I? I hope so.) Life goes on, and so goes on the usual posting about stuff that in the grand scheme of things is utterly unimportant.
Like we went running today. I still like to refer to myself as a regular runner, even though there's nothing regular about it lately. (Lately? It's been years.) So for starters we did a nice 20 minute run at a good pace, a little loop through what I would like to call "the better part of town". No stops or walking, quite surprisingly. Afterwards tunafish salad for evening meal.
Like I rewatched Mission Impossible 3 and didn't find it terrible anymore. Now I think it's an okay movie (not comparable to the awesome part 1 though).
Like I rewatched The Terminator, too.
Like I didn't know what to do with the leftover tomato-sauce, so I decided to make pizza today and used it that way. (My wife's reaction: Pizza? Yay!)
Like I'm thinking about getting a fishing rod and explore that kind of spare time activity.
Like I'm spending too much time online looking at ridiculously expensive computer systems that I really really would like to own right now.
Like I'm looking forward to traveling to Germany later this year, thinking: November. I hope that works out.
And so on.

1 comment:

Hot4Darmat said...

Like I need another distraction to draw my attention away from the piles of work in front of I bookmarked this blog.