Last week when I was on my way to see Pelham 123 I overheard people on the street talking about me. They said: "Look at that guy with his
man-bag!", followed by some snickering. I didn't respond to it. (I was late. Well, not really. I just couldn't think of anything to say to them. So I decided to ignore it.)

I find my belt-bag (which some years ago has been given to me as a gift) very practical. It holds all the essential stuff like my wallet, my cellphone and my keys. Also it is even big enough for a book. People use similar bags where I come from all the time.

In this country however, people for one thing seem to be used only to the dorky-looking kind of belt-beg/fanny-pack with zippers etc. For another thing they seemingly can't get along with the fact that male persons like to use bags, too. (So they refer to my bag as
man-purse or
Men don't necessary want to stuff all their belongings into their pockets. (Maybe they do here. But that may have something to do with the fact, that 99% of all males in this country wear pants that are either baggy or don't fit right.) I find putting a wallet in the back pocket, cell phone in the front pocket, keys in the other front pocket a highly uncomfortable thing to do. That's why I use my belt-bag. So fuck you, ignorant people!
I especially like the last part where you tell the ignorant people to fuck themselves. that is rad. And they probably can't cause their pockets are too full of crap.
Yeah, so much for "I don't care what the others think". And since I'm a child of this century's pop culture I can only add: Hell is Other Robots!
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