Bear watching is easy:
You don't need any skill.
You don't have to travel far.You don't have to go into the woods or something.
You don't need a guide, you can do it by yourself, it's completely safe! Really!

All you need is a car.
Then you drive to the local dump. Et voilá, bears.

The dump is also the place where the human being and the bear coexist peacefully. Papa bear, mama bear and children bears dig through the garbage happily some thirty meters away from men and women and little children, who on their part, seemingly oblivious to the animals, are looking for stuff.
We were there for like 15 minutes. In that time we saw a about dozen bears and half a dozen people. I didn't take any pictures of people, though. Only bear pictures. Go figure.
Call me Missie, but I think the bears are super-cute!! Great photos!
Throw away the fishing rod and get yourself a rifle! Hunting bears never seemed so easy...
get yourself a rocket launcher! kill them all at once from the comfort of your house.
that would require either bear-seeking-ground-to-ground-missiles or some kind of heavy artillery, because the dump is a good 5 kilometers away.
still: what's with all the bear-killing?
poor animals didn't do anything. poor bears. and who'd clean up the splatter?
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