Friday, July 10, 2009

Exclusive Interview with legendary rock band The Hurricanes of Rock's guitarist Greedy MacWanterson

With the release of new Brato Useba songs on the horizon, NakNakOverThere is proud to present an exclusive interview with Hurricanes of Rock guitarist Greedy MacWanterson, who not only tells us about working with Brato Useba, but also reveals the title of the upcoming tune.

NNOT: Mr. MacWanterson-
G.MacW: Call me Greedy, Man.
NNOT: Okay, Greedy. Brato Useba has collaborated again with The Hurricanes of Rock--
Greedy: Yeah, man. He just called one evening. We were having a good time. And he said, I mean-- Man, it's been an honour to work with the guy in the first place and then he calls again? Fuck man, we we're thrilled!
NNOT: How is it to work with a musical mastermind like Brato Useba?
Greedy: Man, the guy's a genius. He does things nobody dares to do!
NNOT: Can you give us an example?
Greedy: Man, you know, we're a rock band, man. Everything goes by the book. Like... we wanna re-record, because someone played a wrong note or so, but then Brato says: Stop right there! There's no such thing as a wrong note! That's why they call it music! And so we discover a shitload full of new frontiers in music making!
NNOT: Yet there a voices claiming that all Brato Useba projects sound kind of the same...
Greedy: Fuck them! Why do you think he works together with so many different bands? They want him! Because he's got the ideas, man! He opens the doors! He makes it happen!
NNOT: The new song doesn't sound like a typical Hurricanes of Rock song at all. How much Hurricanes is in there, and how much Brato Useba?
Greedy: Fuck man, aren't you listening to me? If you work with Brato Useba, you work with Brato Useba. Everything else is secondary. It's a revelation, man!
NNOT: About the new song. What can we expect? Will it again give people what by now is known as the Brato Useba-ish sensation?
Greedy: You man the WTF? Yeah, man. And you know what? That's what it's all about. Having something to say! And some people get it, other people don't. Have you ever listened to a Hurricanes of Rock album?
Greedy: All we ever sing about is getting drunk and shooting H and fucking hookers and driving motorcycles, man. 17 records, man! 17 records! But then Brato Useba showed us the important things in this world!
NNOT: Can you be more specific?
Greedy: Man, stuff that doesn't have a voice, man, stuff that can't speak for itself! The new track will open people's eyes, man!
NNOT: When will the new song come out?
Greedy: When it's done, man, when it's done.
NNOT: Can you tell us the title?
Greedy: Yeah, why not. Song's called Mouldy.
NNOT: Thank you for this interview, Greedy.
Greedy: You're welcome, man.

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