Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Announcement: New Tunes

Chopped spinach is a pain to drain, but chopped is the only kind available here. We enjoyed its flavour with mashed potatoes, yellow beans and pork the day before yesterday.
Then it was time for a little variety, so I made rice. Rice goes well with chili, so I made chili. Ratings for both meals range between Very good meal and Man, I love your chili.

Workout: Still running regularily.

And one more thing:
I hereby announce new music. Pretty soon, rather sooner than later, soonish, so to speak, it will be possible to listen to new tunes (through the player on the right). The preliminary list currently involves, among others, the following artists and songs:

- Brato Useba and The Pentagrams of Death - Maggots Under My Roof
- The Brato Useba Orchestre de Danse - Peanutbuttersandwich (La Version Électrique de Bière)
- Brato Goes to Exile - Breakfastsong

Recordings are in progress. However, since certain delays are a daily occurance (artist's attitudes, delayed delivery of necessary equipment (hookers, booze, crack)), as of right now no specific release date can be given.


Astrid Rose said...

I await in eager anticipation. And can you express post me some of your chilli? it's looks delicious.

Brato said...

Patience. Soon* we will be able to up- and download food as we please.

*or never. Just ignore asterisk explanations.